Kevin's sense of style is the sum of many different influences. Born in the Midwest, raised in New England, and educated in the South with a career that has taken him from Brooklyn to Portland and back again. He and his family currently reside in Austin, Texas.
On the road to discovering his passion for outerwear, he has worked in denim, knits, and wovens. Whether he is working the low end or high end of the business, he brings his unique perspective and personality to his designs.
Being an avid marathoner, skier, snowboarder, climber and motorcyclist, Kevin is always thinking about how a garment's function can improve its fashion. He is able to marry his background in performance outerwear with an acute attention to detail he gained while working at Ralph Lauren to push innovation while being rooted in something familiar.
Kevin strives to create products that give the customer more than they bargained for. He believes that the success of those products is only as strong as the team creating them. In his career, he works to make sure all parties - design, merchandising, sourcing, and product development – have a vested interest in what gets delivered to the customer. To Kevin, no one piece of the puzzle is more important than any other. He maintains a close relationship with the cross-functional team to make the best products possible. When each area is treated as an equal contributor to the solution, it breaks down the barriers that stand in the way designing garments that demand attention.